There are 45 different types of enemies, including bosses.

Alien Hominid enemies


Easy to defeat, but a threat in groups. Where did they all come from..?


Fire accurate shots with knockdown. Jump on their shoulders to fly!


Quick moving, attack in swarms by dropping lots of landmines.


Slow, but good at melting poor invaders who forget to not to stand under them.


Beefy agents with huge shields. Get behind them but do not ride!


Extra tough agents with advanced weapons, but they drop extra juice when hit.


These agents looks like robots to me. Or robots disguised as agents maybe? How creepy!


Deployed by vans and skyvans. High damage, rapid fire guns. How do they all fit in there?

Armored Van

Deploys squads of dangerous Shocktroopers. High priority target.


Long-range projectiles create large explosions on contact. Get close.


Create indestructible shields around nearby agents. Try tossing them!


Slow down invaders who get too close. Best to jump on them and throw them away.


Low mobility but high rate of fire. Defeat the pilot to ride it yourself!


Hunt in packs looking for invaders to knock down. Hard to catch, fun to ride.


Hop, hop, hop around so many deadly bubbles! Do they hop for me?


Agents have learned: Invaders can catch on fire! Roll or dig to put it out!


Their shots weigh invaders down. Jump, dig or roll to shake them off.


Watch out! You can see where they’re aiming before they fire.

Jetpacker, Elite

Flying heavy artillery, Their slow moving shots follow invaders and hit hard.

Armored Skyvan

Deploy Shocktroopers. Watch out for fly-by attacks when invading the sky.

Lozenge Man

This is the lozenge man. Slowing you down is his lozenge plan. Such good hair.


These robots are confused. Invaders are not trash! Dig to avoid their beam.


Robots with fire breath. Roll or dig to put it out. Do these robots really breathe?


Ambusher. Heat-seeking, high damage attacks. Mama says just do your best.


These are small and also crab? Dive through their beams, but be careful: They hop.


These are large and also crab. Fire clusters of bombs. Ride or blast from a distance.


Ambusher. Even faster than normal inchworms. Shoot them in the face!!


Bounce off walls and smack invaders with their tail. How rude!


Makes hackerbombs like the mothership makes invaders. But does he love them? No.


Get close, they fly closer. Trained to explode near invaders. Dive past or avoid.


These try to escape so they must be important. Stop them! They sometimes drop bombs.


Filled with secrets. These slow down if you shoot them. Mama just thinks they’re neat.

Air Mine

Shoot to push them, but quick invaders can use them as platforms before they explode.


Deadly. Indestructible. Destroy the Keybot to shut them down temporarily.


Destroy them to get past checkpoints. C.H.O.M.P.E.R. loves to chase them.


This planet is usually safe to walk on, so agents invented spikes. Shoot before walking.


You can shoot Bounder to knock him away. He doesn’t mind. He always comes back.


These robots are indestructible and attack in perfect sync. They must practice lots!


Oh, what are these? Did grandma make them?


A robot who thinks she’s better than you. She hates it when invaders stand on her head.


This eyeball is installed in an even stronger brawler. Is it too late to be friends? How sad.

Bustletron 2.0

Rebuilt with better mobility and even more firepower. Run away when he spins his arms!


Deadly blade, heat seeking bullets, calls in Miniwasps. Is this what they call “Taking a power trip”?


Mutation juice has a strange effect on agents, no? Juice is best for growing invaders.

Grand Mothership

This is Mothership’s mothership. Likes to take over and do things her way. We don’t talk much.
All data taken from ALVIYAN's Alien Hominid Invasion Guide on Steam, just formatted to be convenient to print. Seriously, just read that guide.
Should format reasonably well to print landscape or portrait
There are 19 unique weapons that you can use to invade the earth

Alien Hominid weapons

Alien Blaster

Classic blaster for newborn invaders. Limited default range and damage but high potential.

Photon Gun

Rapid fire, spread widens at range. Charged shot covers a larger area.

Sawed Off

Short range, high damage, wide spread. Charged shot bowls over multiple enemies.


Long range, high spread for crowds of enemies. Charge to fire a barrage of triple bullets.

Human Machine Gun

Semi-automatic with a high rate of fire and a built-in slow effect.

Energy Knife

Short range, fast attack rate and high crit chance. Charge to dash in any direction.

Dual Laser

Extreme long range, less damage but can pierce multiple enemies at once.

Human Minigun

Slow to spin up, high max fire rate and bullet speed. Less effective versus armor.

BB Gun

Fires clouds of deadly bees at medium range. Charge fires a long range, high damage bee.


Bouncing shots build up burn damage over time. Charge to fire a slow, destructive mega-orb!


Creates jets of fire that apply burning damage over time. Use short bursts to save fuel.

Six Chambers

High damage, above average crit rate. Needs reloading often. Charged shot ricochets bullets.


Fires shards of ice that slow enemies. Large charged shot is slow but freezes enemies.


Shots ricochet off enemies and surfaces. Charge to fire bouncing shots that pass-through enemies.


High fire rate and bullet speed, but grows weaker the longer it’s fired. Best in short bursts.


Continuous long range beam causes damage to build up and adds burning status.

Mothership Issue

Heat-seeking mini-missiles. Charge to fire a non-seeking missile that does extra damage.

Acid Shot

Lobbed shots damage over time. Charged shot is larger and inflicts status quicker.

Lightning Gun

Long range bolts arc to nearby targets. Charge to electrify nearby enemies for a short time.
There are 33 pigment colors that you can choose.
